Spring Cleaning for Good

During spring cleaning, me and my dad organize our work shop that we make a mess in over the year. We make a mess because we are always working on projects such as making go kart bumpers. We even clean our tools. If they’re rusty, we put them in coke. We do this because the carbonated drink is carbonated acids so the science behind it is that the longer you let it sit the more rust that comes off.

We have tons of frames for bikes that have bean a little welded, and we are also making bikes for orphans. When spring cleaning comes around, it makes it so much more easy to make stuff such as hand guards for our swords that we also make. We have been doing this for fun, and we test our hand guards some times.

We have our dogs hang out with us when we’re taking a break and in between projects. They are both the love bugs out of our family. We had 4 pets, but now we have 3. 2 of our animals were cats, 2 were dogs. Now, we have 2 dogs and  cats. Our dogs are a German Shepherd and a Gray hound.

My welding UNESCO UNEVOC via Compfight

IMG_3651Creative Commons License Steve Baker via Compfight

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